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Completed Projects

Tower Group

Tower Group, Inc. sells and oversees a wide range of specialized property and casualty insurance products and services.

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Tower GroupAdopting and implementing Guidewire BillingCenter application

Project started in 2010 from collecting customer's requirements and creating architecture for the solution. Applied methodology: Agile...

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Tower GroupData migration from old systems present in the company to the newly implemented system.

CFT performed over 10 data conversion from different systems for various insurance types. The approach developed by CFT based on...

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Tower GroupIntegration with suppliers settling medical services and prescriptions

The CFT implementation team created and implemented the function of loading payments for medical services to the Claim Center system....

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Tower GroupData warehouse

CFT Poland successfully designed and implemented data warehouses for numerous customers.  One interesting project was a data...

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Tower GroupIntegration with data warehouse

CFT developed and implemented ETL processes supplying data warehouses. At present data update is conducted once per 24 hours, and thanks...

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CFT Inc.

1556 S. Michigan Avenue Unit 3A

Chicago, Illinois 60605

Phone: +1.312.588.0006


Zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U.2016.922 z dn. 28.06.2016r.) oraz zgodnie z art. 13 ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. (Dz. Urz. UE L 119 z 04.05.2016) informuję, iż: administratorem danych osobowych umieszczonych w formularzu kontaktowym jest właściciel strony CFT Polska sp. z o.o. ul. Ryżowa 49, 02-495 Warszawa

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Completed Project: innovationsite.pl