Reorganisation of the IT department, IT resource management 2003-2005
In the period 2003-2005 CFT provided various consulting services for Netia, including, among other things:
- managing company IT resources 2003-2005, including CIO role
- auditing and reorganisation of company IT resources
- budgeting and supervision over the execution of IT budget
- negotiation with suppliers (e.g. Microsoft Enterprise Software Agreement)
- comprehensive Due Diligence for IT resources of assumed companies
- comprehensive management of projects of data migration for the assumed companies
Reorganisation of the Billing team and its operating procedures, including:
- analysis of billing errors and implementing procedures reducing them
- optimisation of the billing process (minimisation of unbilled revenue)
- designing and implementing SLA for billing operations
Reorganisation of Help Desk and Data Center teams including their operating procedures
- Implementing SLA for Help Desk and Data Center teams
- Consolidation of UNIX and Windows server resources